Last Friday I expanded the piston assembly model to a full cranktrain model. The original Smith method worked immediately, but Baraff method did not. Today I finally have the bug fixed :) My confidence in the Baraff method rises as the results match pretty well with those of the Smith method. Now the performace of the Baraff method is still a question mark. I don't feel the program running any faster using the new method.
The bug fix is within buildTree() in World2.java
TreeNode buildTree(Body b) {
// get b = the next enabled, untagged body, and tag it
if (b.tag!=0 || (b.flags & Body.Disabled)!=0) return null;
b.tag = 1;
LinkedList stack = new LinkedList();
// tag all bodies and joints starting from b
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(b, null);
TreeNode node = root, childnode;
while (stack.size() > 0) {
node = (TreeNode)stack.removeFirst(); // pop body node off stack
b = node.body;
// traverse and tag all body's joints,
// add untagged connected bodies to stack
Iterator j = b.nodes.iterator();
while(j.hasNext()) {
JointNode jn = (JointNode)j.next();
if(jn.joint.tag==0) {
jn.joint.tag = 1;
if(jn.body!=null && jn.body.tag==0) {
childnode = new TreeNode(jn.joint, node);
childnode = new TreeNode(jn.body, childnode);
jn.body.tag = 1;
aux.add(n.joint); // put boundary joints into auxiliary joint list
return root;