Resource on the web

The work now has been stuck in HashSpace. The thing that baffles me is how the space is divided with multiple resolutions. Meanwhile, the search for HashSpace revealed some interesting projects:
  • PyODE - Python bindings for ODE
  • Odejava - Java bindings for ODE
Moreover, Odejava is associated with two Java 3D game engine:
  • Xith3D - an open source 3D scenegraph for Java. It is designed to be leaner, more game orientated alternative to the Java3D scenegraph, yet using the same basic scenegraph structure as Java3D.
  • jME - Java gaming engine


Yung-Chang Tan said…
All the projects I found need to call ODE. I guess no one bothers to fully implement a Java physics engine since ODE is already such a good code.